KINBAKU INTRO – for alle nye og nybegyndere i reb

[English below] Kom godt i gang med de mest basale grundbindinger, og få prøvet hvordan I kan lege og skabe energi / polaritet sammen i rebene. Formålet med dagen er, at introducere jer for rebenes magiske univers, samt gøre jer i stand til at binde sammen med jeres...


ICHINAWA – tying with one rope Now with some changes: From now on, Ichinawa will be on Fridays at 18:00-19:30 instead of Tuesdays at 17:00-18:30. We will start at exactly 18:00 – you will be able to arrive and change from 17:50. There will be a...
LOUNGE NEWBIE [Ny i Loungen in English]

LOUNGE NEWBIE [Ny i Loungen in English]

LOUNGE NEWBIE I have no experience with rope, how do I do? How to approach tying with someone I don’t know? Is it only men who tie women in Kinbaku Lounge? (Spoiler alert: no) Do I need a partner to participate on a Tuesday/Friday? How do I meet a rope partner? What...


ICHINAWA – tying with one rope Now with some changes: From now on, Ichinawa will be on Fridays at 18:00-19:30 instead of Tuesdays at 17:00-18:30. We will start at exactly 18:00 – you will be able to arrive and change from 17:50. There will be a...