DROP•IN: ICHINAWA – for alle også nye

— English below — – Vi starter præcist kl. 18:00 – der vil være mulighed for at komme og klæde om fra kl. 17:45. – Der vil være et oplæg med demo fra start. – Der bliver 3-4 runder af 10+4 minutter. ICHINAWA – at binde med ét...


ICHINAWA – tying with one rope Now with some changes: From now on, Ichinawa will be on Fridays at 18:00-19:30 instead of Tuesdays at 17:00-18:30. We will start at exactly 18:00 – you will be able to arrive and change from 17:50. There will be a...


ICHINAWA – tying with one rope Now with some changes: From now on, Ichinawa will be on Fridays at 18:00-19:30 instead of Tuesdays at 17:00-18:30. We will start at exactly 18:00 – you will be able to arrive and change from 17:50. There will be a...